
Showing posts from July, 2018

PropOne vs. PropSpeed – Which Has the Best Propeller Antifouling Technology

Selecting the correct anti-fouling product for your propeller and running gear has become a different process. The EPA has developed strict regulations for anti-fouling paints and there are few other alternatives that provide both results and longevity. Today’s anti-fouling products can be divided into two categories. The first category is paint that contains biocides that leach through the paint to create a toxic environment that marine organisms will not grow on. Then there are the smooth surface coatings that create a surface, that when the boat is moving, the barnacles and organisms will not be able to attach themselves.  Why Preventing Marine Growth is So Difficult? The Reason behind Formulation of Propeller Antifouling Technology The reason it is so difficult to achieve a surface that marine organisms will not grow on is a result of the harsh environment under the waterline.  Reasons Prevention of Marine Growth is Difficult? Dealing with mul...